Abigail Sackey is an alumna of the Pokuase Methodist 1 Basic School Exploratory club. She joined the club in Primary 4 and remained a committed member till she completed her basic school education in 2019.
According to her teachers, Abigail had keen interest in the Exploratory club because she enjoyed the practical aspect of STEM than the theoretical aspect. She was always present at club meetings and actively participated in all club related activities and programs. Even though she was not the Lead Explorer, Abigail would usually go and find out from her teachers if club meetings would be held, mobilize club members and help organize learning materials and teaching aids for club engagement. “Some time ago, she was indisposed and was asked to stay home but upon hearing that club meeting was about to start, she dressed up and joined her colleagues”, Mr. Tanko, one of her former teachers recounts.
My experience in senior high school has been smooth and fun because most of the topics and practical work done here are similar to what I was exposed to during our weekly Exploratory club engagements…

Last year, Abigail gained admission to study Agricultural Science at St. Johns Grammar Senior High School. “My experience in senior high school has been smooth and fun because most of the topics and practical work done here are similar to what I was exposed to during our weekly Exploratory club engagements back in Junior high school”, she said.
Abigail believes that with determination and focus everyone can excel in STEM. She hopes to become a scientist in future!